Belltown Business Association
The purpose of the Belltown Business Association ("BBA") is to create a vibrant and safe Belltown community for businesses and residents, to promote Belltown and its businesses, and to facilitate the exchange of ideas and communication among Belltown businesses.
See the BBA website here .
The Belltown Business Association is open to all businesses located in Belltown that are paid members. Paid membership includes the quarterly BBA Email Newsletter and a regular listing on the Belltown.Org Web Site (Belltown.Org Banner Ads are extra).
Meetings & News
Meetings and News for the Belltown Business Association are currently posted on the Belltown.Org Events Calendar and News.
Current Activities
The Belltown Business Association through its Belltown Marketing Committee is currently sponsoring and producing the Belltown Banners, Belltown UnCorked!, and Belltown.Org. Additionally the BBA sponsors and produces Belltown B2B events (an interaction and exchange among Belltown businesses) and the Belltown ArtWalks www.belltownartwalk.com .
Recent Accomplishments
The Belltown Business Association ("BBA") has been in existence for over 27 years. Previous presidents and board members include Seattle City Councilmember Jan Drago, the late Mel Jackson of Antioch University & the Millionaire Club, Tom Graff of Ewing & Clark, and Craig Kolbitz of the Belltown Pub.
Some of the most recent accomplishments of the organization include, lobbying for, and as a direct result, the addition of more Seattle Police Bike Patrols in the Belltown neighborhood, the hiring of Muir Public Relations to help promote Belltown, rebranding the neighborhood from the Denny Regrade to Belltown, sponsoring the Belltown artworks at Battery Street & Western Avenue and Third Avenue & Board Street, sponsoring the Angie's Umbrella artpiece at Western Avenue & Lenora Street, stopping the Broad Street overpass, assisting the Belltown Community Council in stopping a second Monorail along Second Avenue through Belltown, encouraging the Seattle Center to open up the Pacific Science Center and the Broad Street Green to Belltown, coordinating the installation of pedestrian and street lighting along Western Avenue, Second Avenue, and Third Avenue, initiating and lobbying for trees along all Belltown streetscapes, improving access to the Waterfront along Bell Street and Vine Street, placing Belltown Banners along most Belltown streets, developing Belltown.Org, and sponsoring Belltown UnCorked! (Belltown's Annual Food & Wine Festival).
Become a Member
The Belltown Business Association needs your support.
Become a BBA member for 2008!
Please send your payment of $99 for 2008 dues to:
Belltown Business Association
2608 Second Avenue (PMB 290)
Seattle, Washington 98121-1212
or contact PAnderson@bannerbank.com
More Information?
For additional information, please contact Pamela Anderson of the BBA at PAnderson@bannerbank.com
Belltown Community Council
The purpose of the Belltown Community Council ("BCC") is to provide a public forum, to enhance the livability and safety of the Belltown neighborhood, and to serve as a liaison between Belltown and the City of Seattle.
The Belltown Community Council is open to all residents and workers located in Belltown and is free. Voting rights are vested by attending the monthly BCC meetings.
Meetings & News
Meetings and News for the Belltown Community Council are currently posted on the Belltown.Org Events Calendar and News.
Other Belltown Committees
Belltown Crime Prevention Council
Contact: Mark Baerwaldt at Info@Belltown.Org
Belltown Housing and Land Use ("BHLUS")
Contact: John Pehrson at PehrsonJ@Comcast.Net
Web Site: BHLUS Web Page
Belltown P-Patch & Cottages
Contact: Glenn MacGilvra at Glenn@SpeakEasy.Org
To join the Belltown Community Council, please contact Zander Batchelder at ZanderB@AOL.Com
More Information?
For additional information, please contact Zander Batchelder at ZanderB@AOL.Com