Form/Space Atelier program for March 2009
Show Title: The Return Of the Amazing Daredevil Bears
Show Duration: March 13- April 5
Opening Reception March 13 as part of the Belltown Art Walk www.belltownartwalk.com
Aaron Murray exhibits his recent character series, the Daredevil Bears at Form/Space Atelier. Timing isn't everything, as the sage once quipped, it's the ONLY thing; the stock market has been overrun recently with the carefree, devil-may-care, Daredevil Bears. Aren't they lovable? For sure.
Aaron Murray is a visual artist, educator, and shop keeper in Seattle, WA. Murray owns a shop called Nancy with his wife Kate, www.nancynancynancy.com Murray teaches art at several Seattle community centers, is an active member of the Capitol Hill Watercolor Society, and has been making and selling art since 1990.