Form/Space Atelier Program For June-July 2012
Exhibit Title: No Man's Land
Exhibit Duration: June 8-August 4, 2012
Vernissage: June 8, 6PM
No Man's Land is an exhibit of ceramics and mixed media by Jennifer Emily Dwyer. This is the first exhibit by Ms. Dwyer at Form/Space Atelier. Hubris distinguishes itself from more altruistic aspects of human nature through Ms. Dwyer's narrative. Reminiscent of taxidermy, the objects created for No Man's Land parallel the abject disregard for anything that might organically exist on the face of earth, or anything that falls outside of the ever magnifying realm of commerce. Animal life is a source of food to the vast majority of the earth's population. And yet, poignantly, pets are enslaved for other hungers that serve to portrait the dysfunction of a mentally-ill bourgeosie, characterizing the proverbial lapdog which suckles the breast of barren women and their hare-brained brethren.
Jennifer Emily Dwyer studied at Columbia University and The University Of Washington, where she graduated from the School Of Art, 3D4M Department. -Paul Kuniholm Pauper, Curator, Form/Space Atelier.
Jennifer Emily Dwyer's Statement Narrates No Man's Land:
So for my show I have/will make taxidermy heads out of ceramic and glaze. I intend to have eight mounted pieces on the wall; male and female human heads, antelope, and rhinoceros, tree, plant, and snake and scorpion heads. The intent of the exhibit is to consider the connection between all living species. I want to highlight the human ego, and how people view the world in terms of themselves. My idea involves exploring the theory of holism, which states that all life is connected and dependent on one another. I want to use humor to show case how humans break the connection we have with everything around us. An example of this is taxidermy of animal heads, which some see as nothing more than a trophy to be mounted on their wall. By placing different parts of the earth’s interdependent system onto plaques, I want to take a step back from the human ego and narcissism and explore the deeper and critical connection all beings have with each other.-Jennifer Emily Dwyer
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